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Discovery Boxes

Our Discovery Boxes are packed full of handling objects and local case studies for you to use in the classroom. Containing original and replica artefacts and teachers notes, they offer effective teaching resources on a number of curriculum subjects.

Teachers collect and return the Discovery Boxes to the Museum usually on Saturdays, but other arrangements can be made with our Learning Officer.

Hire charges are: £15 a week, £60 for a half term, or £120 for a term. (Please note, there are extra charges if objects are returned damaged or lost.)

Explore below to see what topics we currently cover, what objects the boxes contain, and download the teacher’s notes that are included.

The Stone Age

Objects include:  Stone Age Pot, Neolithic Chalk Lamp, Neolithic Hand Axe, Neolithic Discoidal Knife, Neolithic Leaf Arrow,  Neolithic Sickle, Flint scrapper, Barbed and Tanged Arrowhead, Neolithic Awl, Neolithic Burin,  Neolithic Spearpoint,  Palaeolithic Bone Needle, Flint Scrapper, Palaeolithic Shell Necklace, 4 Palaeolithic Flint Blades, Palaeolithic Hand Axe, Palaeolithic/Mesolithic Antler Harpoon, Stone Age Bone Necklace and a Knapping Stone

Click here to download The Stone Age Discovery Box notes



The Bronze Age

Objects include: Bronze Age Beaker, Neolithic Awl, Neolithic Sickle, Bivalve Shell, Bone Tool, Small Bone Tool, small white shell, Flint Arrowhead, Round Pebble, Mesolithic Blades, Bronze Age Socketed Axe, Palstave Axe Head, Flanged Axe, Copper Flat Axe, Bronze Buttons and a Bronze Bangle

Click here to download The Bronze Age Discovery Box Notes




Archaeology: Richmond’s Prehistory

Objects include: excavation tools and foreshore finds

Click here to download the Archaeology Discovery Box Notes 




Roman Discovery BoxObjects include: Square Glass Bottle, Chatelaine/ Health and Beauty Set, Strigil, Wax Writing Tablet and Stylus, Oil Lamp, Mortarium and Grinding Stone, Roman Spoon, 5 Knucklebones, Roof Tile, 3 Samian Ware Pot Sherds,  and Replica Roman Terracotta vase.

Click here to download the Roman Discovery Box Notes


Objects include: Brick from Richmond Palace, Horn comb, Bellarmine jug, Stump baby, Earthenware beaker, Hours candle, Tudor Oil Lamp, Metal and wood fork and spoon, Pomander, 5 brown feather quills, 4 white feather quills, Horn book, Thimble, Cap (coif), neckerchief (partlet) and apron, Horn Mug, Wooden Plate (Trencher), Pewter Wine Goblet and 8 Tudor Coins.

Click here to download the Tudors Discovery Box Notes

Victorian Homes

DSC01453Objects include: 2 Button Hooks, Tea Strainer, copy of Mrs Beeton’s All About Cookery, Mincer, Jelly Mould, Candle Holder, Curling Iron, Hot Water Bottles, Darning Mushroom, Weighing Scales, Fruit Press, Chamber Pot, Nutcrackers and a Flat Iron.

Click here to download the Victorian and Edwardian Homes Discovery Box Notes

Victorian Children

DSC01584Objects include: Attendance Medal, 3 Sailor Collars , 3 Pinafores, Slate Pencils and Chalks, 5 Slates, 5 Ink Pens, 10 Copybooks, Book: Children’s Singing Games, 1894, Diablo, Laminated Scrap Book, 2 wooden spinning tops, Kaleidoscope, Skipping Rope, China Tea Set, Replica Porcelain Doll, Cup and Ball, Wooden Acrobat Toy, Glass Marbles, 2 Victorian Pennies and Victorian Gold Sovereign (replica).

Click here to download the Victorian Children Discovery Box Notes

Victorian Medicine

DSC01659Objects include: 10 Herbal Remedy Jars, Pestle and Mortar, Gauze Bandages, Carbolic Soap, Nursing Teapot, Invalid Food: Beef Extract and Oxo, Small Smelling Salts Phial, Medicine Phial, 4 Basins, 1 Spoon, Victorian Hot Water Bottle, Replica Candle Lantern, Nurse’s Bonnet, and 2 Nurse’s Aprons, Pin Bib, Tie Waist.
Teachers notes include case studies on Florence Nightingale, Mary Seacole and background information on Victorian medicine, illnesses and the Crimean War.

Click here to download the Victorian Medicine Discovery Box Notes

The Workhouse

Objects include: Workhouse Mug, Carding Paddles, Drop Spindle, Selection of wooden pegs, 15 wooden rag rug prodders/proggers, 9 Dolly Pegs, Single shoe last, Triple shoe last, Darning Mushroom, Flat Iron, Carbolic Soap, Hemp Rope, Laminated photos of the slums of Victorian Richmond

Click here to download The Workhouse Discovery Box Notes

World War One

DSC01413Objects include: Newspaper of the day War declared, Silk Postcard (original), Wash Bag, Hypno Helmet, Trench Cap, East Surrey Regiment Cap Badge (original), On War Service Badge (original), Volunteer War Worker Badge, 303 Cartridge (original) , Dog Tags, Shrapnel – 3 lead balls (original), Foot Salve, Princess Mary Christmas Tin, Infantry Scout Badge, Gas Goggles, Victoria Cross, Teachers Notes and Exhibition Resource Booklet.

Click here to download the World War One Discovery Box Notes 

World War One: 1916 Case Studies

VealeContains profiles of six Richmond residents, with a mix of original and replica objects and documents to further support hand on learning and to help pupils engage with the real people behind the stories.

Click here to download the World War One – 1916 Case Studies Discovery Box Notes

World War Two: The Home Front, 1939 – 1945

DSC01477Objects include: Utility Stockings, Jumblex War Time Game, Gas Rattle, WVS Badge, Warden’s Whistle, 4 Pieces of Shrapnel, Tin of Dried Egg, 2 Air Raid Patrol Volunteer Arm Bands, Air Raid Patrol Black Out Lamp, Incendiary Bomb and Fin, Farthing, Half Penny, Penny, Weekly Rations Replicas, Evacuation Card Game, Identity Card, Ration Book, Clothes Ration Book, Knitted Child’s Vest, Was Your House Hit? Booklet and Roll of Honour Booklet.

Click here to download the World War Two Home Front Discovery Box Notes


Keep up to date with what is going on at the Museum!



Usual opening hours:

Tuesday to Fridays, 11am to 5pm
Saturdays, 10am to 4pm.
We are closed on Sundays and Mondays, including Bank Holidays

Sorry – we will be closed from 1pm on Saturday 8 February due to volunteer illness. We will open again as usual on Tuesday. Apologies for the inconvenience.



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