Hands On History Workshops at the Museum
From Pre-History to World War Two, we offer a range of hands on, cross curricular workshops to help your students engage with the past. All of the workshops use the Museum’s handling collection, which contains real and replica objects which really help your pupils connect with your topic.
Workshops are available Tuesday to Friday and run between 10am to 11:30am, and cost £3.50 per student
They can be adapted for all Key Stages.
Workshop topics currently include:
Toys Through the Ages
Archaeology: Time Travellers– Palaeolithic, Neolithic, and Bronze Age
Archaeology: Time Travellers – Neolithic, Bronze Age and Roman
Archaeology: Time Travellers- Bronze Age, Roman and Anglo Saxon
A Bronze Age Murder Mystery!
Roman Britain
A Roman Murder Mystery!
Anglo Saxon Life
An Anglo Saxon Murder Mystery!
Tudors: Life in Richmond Palace
Victorian Richmond: The Royal Laundry
Victorian Richmond: Crime and Punishment
World War One: Remembrance Day
World War Two in Richmond
Keep up to date with what is going on at the Museum!
Usual opening hours:
Tuesday to Fridays, 11am to 5pm
Saturdays, 10am to 4pm.
We are closed on Sundays and Mondays, including Bank Holidays
Sorry – we will be closed from 1pm on Saturday 8 February due to volunteer illness. We will open again as usual on Tuesday. Apologies for the inconvenience.