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What we offer for Secondary Schools

We can help you with numerous KS3/4 history topics using our local case studies.

We understand that it is difficult to take your history class out on visits so we can come to you with handling objects or in-person talk for one of your lessons, or provide an interactive, illustrated, online talk when it suits you. Click on the links below or scroll down the page to find out more.



Hands on History workshops

£3 per student, plus travel expenses (if applicable) 

Topics we can help cover include:

– The English Reformation and Counter Reformation, using the case study of Richmond Palace
– COMING SOON: Britain’s transatlantic slave trade
– Victorian Richmond: how the railways impacted the area, crime and punishment, and The Royal Laundry
– WWI in Richmond and the Poppy Factory
– WWII in Richmond
– COMING SOON: Richmond and the Suffragettes: the story of Sophia Duleep Singh
– and of course: an aspect or theme in British history that consolidates and extends pupils’ chronological knowledge from before 1066, by adapting what we offer at KS1/2 to your needs – click here for more details


Online Talks: Object in focus  


20 minute illustrated, interactive talk about a specific object in the Museum’s collection relating to the history topic of your choice. For example, looking at the Bronze Age? We can explore the story of the Bronze Age Beaker. Looking at the Tudors? We can explore the stories hidden in the stained glass from Richmond Palace.

Available Monday to Friday, at a time to suit you, using which ever platform your school prefers

Tailored for your students’ needs.


Online Talks: 3 Burning Questions


45 minute bespoke, illustrated, interactive talk where your class can quiz our Museum Expert with their burning questions on your topic of choice, from Prehistory to WWII, with a chance for further questions after the talk.

Available Monday to Friday, at a time to suit you, using which ever platform your school prefers

Tailored for your students’ needs.


Behind the Scenes in the Museum

This day long workshop takes students through the different roles within the museum, focusing on how the Curator cares for the Collection, how the Learning Officer shares its stories, and how they work together to keep the Museum running, doing everything from marketing, to social media, and looking after volunteers. After lunch, your students will have a go at some of these tasks, by writing new labels for objects and posts for the Museum’s social media accounts

£12 per student, minimum charge of £240

Includes all materials and use of a lunch room.


Work Experience

We can offer work experience to school students aged over 16 and those working towards their Duke of Edinburgh. All placements are subject to students completing an expression of interest form and an informal interview.

We get a lot of requests so ask for at least two months notice to ensure that we can properly plan the placement to that students get the most possible from their time with us.

Head to our page on volunteering to find out more


Keep up to date with what is going on at the Museum!




Usual opening hours:

Tuesday to Fridays, 11am to 5pm
Saturdays, 10am to 4pm.
We are closed on Sundays and Mondays, including Bank Holidays

Saturday 11 January: due to volunteer illness, the Museum will open at 1pm. We look forward to seeing you then!

Please note:

– Workshops often take place in our temporary exhibition space. Please check our public Google Calendar or call the Museum on 020 8332 1141 to see if a workshop is taking place when you plan to visit that may limit your access to the exhibition.

–  We occasionally have to close at short notice due to volunteer illness. Please check here or our public Google Calendar for latest news and updates.

– At present there is no step free access from street level to the Ground Floor of the Old Town Hall whilst we wait for Richmond Council to repair the lift at the Disabled Entrance. We apologise for the inconvenience this causes whilst the Council carries out these repairs.



Every day the Museum is open, we post on our social media accounts – follow us to find out more about our exhibitions, collections and what goes on behind the scenes


Using  objects from the Museum’s handling collection, learn more about the history of the local area and have a go at arts and craft activities!
