Programme for Schools
The Museum provides an exciting learning programme for primary schools and colleges and we offer a range of interactive historical and cross-curricular taught sessions responding to the individual needs of particular classes. If you can't see what you need please ask. Classes are also welcome to visit the Museum independently or, if a visit is not possible, hire one of our Discovery Boxes to use in the classroom.
The detailed Primary Schools Programme can be found here. Key Stage 1
Toys in the Past
|  A fascinating insight into how toys today are different from those in the past. With lots of hands on activities, students are given the opportunity to handle objects in small groups, dress up and do some observational drawing.
Discovery boxes
| Homes Long Ago
| This session offers students the opportunity to see the Museum’s collection of diverse household objects. Including small group work and hands on activities, it also involves dressing up, role play and object handling
| What are we Remembering on Remembrance Day? | With the Poppy Factory, the Old Town Hall Remembrance Book and the War Memorial, Richmond has a number of reminders of past wars. This poignant session offers a fascinating insight into what we are remembering on Remembrance Day. With lots of hands on activities, students are given the opportunity to handle wartime objects in small groups, and visit the War Memorial and Remembrance Book.
Key Stage 2
Tudor Life in Richmond
|  This session explores the fascinating history of Richmond in Tudor times. As well as learning about Henry VII’s building of the wonderful Richmond Palace, students get the opportunity to compare rich and poor through dressing up, and handle Tudor objects found in the local area. An optional walk around the site of Richmond Palace can follow the session.
Discovery Boxes
| Romans in Britain: A Case Study of Roman Life
| Starting with a general introduction to Roman Britain, this session focuses on Roman life specifically in this area through dressing up, exploring Roman food and handling Roman artefacts.
Discovery boxes | Being a Child in Second World War Richmond
|  This session is tailored to link with the locality of the school. It explores the impact of the war on that area and provokes discussion on what children’s lives might have been like. Students are able to interview a local resident who was a child during the war about their experiences, and handle wartime artefacts.
Discovery boxes
| How has Life Changed in Our Locality? A Combined Museum and Local Studies Session
| Available on Tuesday mornings only
This session is linked to the locality of the school and is aimed at Year Six students. Information from maps, census returns and trade directories are consulted in the archives of Local Studies, while the Museum supports the researched information with paintings, prints and objects.
| Children Living in Victorian Richmond
| This session draws upon the Museum’s extensive Victorian handling collection. Topics such as domestic life, school and play are all included in small group work.
Key Stage 3 and 4
Booking Information To book an education session, please call us on 020 8332 1141 or e-mail mor.education@btconnect.com.
Charges Group visits to the Museum: £2.50 plus VAT per student (London Borough of Richmond schools); £3.50 plus VAT per student (non-Borough schools). Outreach session for SEN schools: £3.00 plus VAT per student (service for Borough schools only). Inset: Sessions for educators on using the Museum as an historical resource are free (Borough schools).