
As a donor, you would receive the following benefits:
A Museum Donor (donations up to £100)
• Your name in a book recording the names of everyone who has given money for the Museum’s 21st Birthday
A Silver Museum Donor (donations from £100 to £1500)
• As above and your name or company logo on our honours board • A tour of the Museum • An invitation to the 21st anniversary reception, attended by our Patrons
Gold Museum Donor (donations from £1500 to £3000)
• As above, plus an acknowledgement in Museum brochures for the next 5 years • Invitations to special exhibitions and private views for the next 5 years and a free copy of the exhibition brochures
Platinum Museum Donor (donations £3000 and above)
• As above and free entry, for you and your family, to family and adult educational events for the next 5 years • ‘Adopt’ an object on display and have your name included on the display label.
The Donation Form can be found here.
All donations by UK taxpayers made under Gift Aid are increased in value by 28% and at no cost to the donor. Just fill in the Gift Aid section on the Donation Form and send it with your cheque. If you are a higher rate tax payer, you can reclaim the difference between the basic and higher rates on your annual return.
Regular Gift Aid donations by Bank Standing Order are especially valuable. This enables you to spread your gift over a number of months or years and the Museum to reclaim the tax. Again the Order is attached to this leaflet.
Companies can claim Corporation Tax relief on all donations to charities. So, for a company paying Corporation Tax at 30%, the net cost of a donation worth £5,000 to the charity would be £3,500.